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About the Journal
Trends in Agriculture Science (ISSN: 2583-7850) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that aims to spread the latest knowledge and achievements in agriculture and agriculture related fields. The journal accepts original articles, reviews, short communications, success stories, and popular articles. Its primary goal is to provide up-to-date knowledge on agriculture while maintaining the highest quality of its published content.
The journal accepts submissions of original papers, short communications, and best-quality popular articles covering a wide range of topics related to agriculture and agriculture related fields. Some of the areas of interest include:
Plant breeding and genetics
Crop physiology
Soil science and management
Agricultural biotechnology
Plant protection
Animal husbandry and veterinary science
Food science and technology
Agricultural economics and rural development
The journal provides an immediate publication process, ensuring that the latest research findings are disseminated quickly to the scientific community. The journal's peer-review process ensures that only high-quality and original article is published, providing readers with reliable and accurate information.
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Last date of submission: 28.2.2025
Articles related to Agriculture and Animal Husbandry/Veterinary Science
topics are are invited
Send us your article @ trendsinagriculturescience@gmail.com
Special Issue

Patron cum Editor in Chief
Dr V Kasthuri Thilagam Ph.D
Senior Scientist (Soil Science)
ICAR - Sugarcane Breeding Institute,
Coimbatore- 641 007, Tamil Nadu
Institutional Email: kasthuri.v@icar.org.in
Contact No: +91 9976120719
Dr. Shaikh Nasrul Islam PhD
Managing Editor