Authors must read before article submission
Articles must be according to the theme of the issue or as the topics of the issue.
Plagiarism of more than 10% may lead to a revision of the article or may get rejected. The authors of the articles will be responsible for any such misconduct.
Articles must be written in a way that is easy for all the readers of all domains to understand.
The author should avoid lengthy articles (Not More than 5 Pages).
The article should have font-size: 12, Times New Roman, Spacing: 1.5, and justify.
Articles should have an Abstract, Introduction, and conclusion.
Tables and figures in proper format and citation are always encouraged.
A maximum of 10 references must be included at the end of the article.
After submission of the article, two reviewers will review the article and if found appropriate for the magazine, the corresponding author will be informed regarding the acceptance of the article.
Once the articles are accepted, the publication process may take at least 7 days. However, the review process may take up to 30 days. once the review process is over the article will be processed as per the preassigned slot and pages of the same issue, the article accepted for.
Any query will be addressed by the provided email id only.
Authors must avoid contacting other editors of the magazine on phone. He/she may contact any editor using the provided email addresses only.
Format: Articles to be submitted can be prepared simply by following any recently published article from the recent issue of the magazine.
Mail id for article submission: trendsinagriculturescience@gmail.com
Publication Charges are as follows
Popular Article : Rs.500*(Max.5Authors; 5 Pages)
Hindi Article : RS 700
Abstract : Rs 600 (no limit of Authors)
Monographs : Rs 600( Max.4 Authors; 6 Pages)
Short communication/Review Article : Rs.2000 (5 Authors; 20 Pages)
Case Study/Success Story : RS:600* (3 Authors>10/3pages)
Hindi articles (special Issue) : Rs: 600*( (Max.4 Authors; 6Pages)
* additional Charges may apply with the addition or author's or pages beyond limit